Dates:March 22, 2025
Meets:Sa from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM
Location:Arts & Technology Building 204
Cost: $79.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.


Discover how to connect with people from different backgrounds, starting with something as simple as greetings. Learn how to manage conflict, recognize personal triggers and use your strengths to navigate uncomfortable situations. By focusing on flexibility and adaptability, develop the skills to communicate effectively and build stronger relationships.


Time will be provided for you to work with the class materials in class; included in the course is a workbook and a self-assessment tool. A short lunch break will be provided.. Please plan to bring a lunch or purchase lunch at nearby restaurants. Campus food service is not available on weekends. Campus Map:
Fee: $79.00

Fee Breakdown

Course Fee (Basic)TUITION$ 54.00
Course Fee (Alternate)SENIOR$ 49.00
Mandatory FeeSupply Fee$ 25.00

Arts & Technology Building 204

FVCC-Kalispell, MT

Sam Herbert